COVID Deaths.

What is the story with COVID Deaths.

CKellyUAP THE CRIMINAL CASE AGAINST FAUCI & Co : THE FEAR CAMPAIGN For the vaccine fanatics and those that stood to profit 💰💰💰from the covid vaccine sales, the greater the number of "covid deaths" the better, as this would create more fear - increasing demand for the 💉 Fauci &… Proud longstanding former Federal Member for Hughes • United Australia Party • All content authorised by Craig Kelly • National Director • UAP • Sydney
soulkhan cool world marianne williamson is no less serious than a guy who said 200k covid deaths disqualifies you from the presidency and then proceeded to let the virus kill a million people aging beautifully. bisexual lightning. antizionist jew. spotify: ytb: ig:
Cernovich Had Trump listened to Peter Navarro in January 2020, the Democrats would have owned the Covid deaths and Trump and Republicans would have been in control. It was the greatest blunder of his presidency. Did you read the article?
sevenhelz @RoeGraceM It's taken me ages to realise that reporting all the deaths where someone had covid as being covid deaths was a smokescreen. My coworkers believe that covid was not and still is not killing people cat dad, gegger (he/him) be gay do climbs
Burner87966475 Somewhere On The Southern Sea @waynemcdougall @essigna @rawfishsalad Everyone has moved on bar a small fringe minority of hypochondriacs who still believe covid is going to hunt them down and mame them when in reality covid deaths are down 95% ITS OVER WAYNE Say Some Dumb crap Get Sparked 🥰
happyfreb 10,000 lake @tired_sun_aeiou @KILLTOPARTY yup. Fauci said it wouldn't be a big deal and Pelosi told everyone to ignore it. then they said Trump dropped the ball when he was the only one that acted while they started counting flu deaths as covid deaths to make it look worse for him than any other leader. always trusted the plan
BaltimoreMurder @waltertubs2 Republicans: higher rate of covid deaths Red states: higher gun deaths Republicans: govern 7/10 poorest US states Red states: lower life expectancy Which is the party of death and destruction? Hundreds murdered every year. Massive patrol shortages. Little accountability. We must not become numb to the violence. #ThisIsNotNormal #ThisIsNotOk
BuzbyGreg @BradfordKitson @benshapiro According the CDC, 100% of the elderly have received at least one covid shot, 92% are fully vaccinated, and 71% are boosted, far higher rates than in any other demographic. Somehow, though, the elderly currently account for a record 89% of all covid deaths reported: It’s the crap’s & Giggle’s Show! Starring Boe Jiden…I mean…come on man you know the thing, & his wacky sidekick Chocolate Chocolate Chip!
Planted4Purpose @isaias131zx @GregCha67942091 I have read both many times. Jesus came and when he died the VEIL was ripped...study that in the New Testament. It's quite amazing. Punish? We are being punished. Covid deaths & things crumbling everywhere u look=economy, media, banks, education, 🌎⚠︝ ▪︝Follower of Jesus Christ/Faith, Family, Friends, Freedom ▪︝Professor, Coach, & Mom of 3 blessings/John 3:16 ▪︝Esther Warrior
Allison86435394 South Dakota @Marie77Anne @oldfshndanne @kdurquiza Biden’s Presidency has resulted in 750,000 covid. Still 1,000 covid deaths a day. 4 million with long covid. He kicked 15 million of Medicaid and Snap benefits. His lying about true covid numbers caused hospitals to end mask mandates. Wear a mask Chronic back pain. TOF(heart) NO PARTY!! BOTH LIE! #covidisntover! Didn’t vote Dem for covid to be ignored
Centrefuter London @FireUpElQuattro @AlexBerenson If its 96% that absolutely warrants further investigation There are many claims which I agree with that these jabs are accelerants and catalysts for underlying conditions In late 2019/20 these would have all been recorded as covid deaths, interesting how that's a 1 way street Politically minded, advocate for free speech, supporter of the rights and freedoms of the individual, seeker of knowledge and truth...
SynthIge @Ariel_Adam @_Lavelleao @ABridgen Were all the deaths classified as COVID deaths been "proven that it was directly related to" COVID? How was it proven, and by whom? Bringing engineering rigor to vaccine tinkering since 2013.
Allison86435394 South Dakota @POTUS Biden ignoring 1,000 covid deaths a day and 4 million+ suffering from long covid! Dems didn’t do what they ran on. Didn’t vote for them to ignore covid ! @TheDemocrats Wear a mask Chronic back pain. TOF(heart) NO PARTY!! BOTH LIE! #covidisntover! Didn’t vote Dem for covid to be ignored
BHudsonWrites New Zealand @CentristAllWay @slikrik2003 @mjtimber2 @DavidC_Hatfield @moveqifreely @zebedeem @peoplercrazy_ @Debunk_the_Funk @PutxiWhipped @EthicalSkeptic Silly you. Don't you know how it works yet? Australia delayed widespread transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and now is facing the increase with a mostly vaccinated population. This is why the Covid deaths per Capita will be lower than in the US or UK. Got it now? Navigates new worlds where substance should always beat effervescence, but doesn't. I undermine misinformation whenever practical.
GOPAntagonist @LaheyKyle @EdKrassen Bigger list of 2021 COVID death rates. Almost all run by Republicans and certainly all Red states. Antagonizing Conservatives with Facts
markbgger @bobbykanada @DawnLauri @DanRather Here’s an another study. Showing that FL and CA are about even when adjusted for age. “Whenever I'm about to do something, I think 'Would an idiot do that?' And if they would, I do not do that thing." wannabe sharp.
OO51HAR @Jeremy_Hunt You did NOT have to borrow ÂŁ400bn. Your criminal overreaction to Covid was a choice. It was a choice that has destroyed business, liberty and economy. That choice has also caused vast non Covid deaths. Without question the greatest governmental failure in history. Commercial Property Investment, Asset Managment, Father of two and Husband
DailyJLee #yoga We’ve now had back-to-back the two worst presidents in American history as far as protection of citizens goes, see covid deaths, and neither of them acknowledge the slightest clue of responsibility. Can we have a president with a conscience please, it’s essential Scientist, Atheist, Poet, Philosopher, Creative, Skeptic, Mortal, Genius, Multicultural, Bicoastal, Superstar, Altruist, Vampire, Dragon
TomthunkitsMind In Your Mind Now 20 years from now when all is said and told people we'll be writing books on how GOP elected officials of Our Generation cooked up a Witch Hunt against Hillary Clinton & elected a Russian spy who would later be responsible for countless covid deaths 01 Tomthunkit's Mind Diner is open 24/7. All-you-can-eat smorgasbord of hand-picked deliciously sweet tweets for your political palate. Invest ($) in your future
cabochon_nazar Intercourse, Pennsylvania @ChuckSRQ @99periwinkle @maggieNYT The only BS tweet here is yours, pal-a-rooney. Closing schools was by any measure the most effective intervention to reduce excess Covid deaths. Anyone who thinks otherwise lives in Opposite World. mystical levels of side eye
SherM2788 @RachelNotley Corruption within Public Health and Alberta NDP healthcare AHS. Never forget the lies about covid deaths!
mosiememphis United States @strangism1 @bigbluballz @ramz_ramazani @KanekoaTheGreat Awe you are a fool. Get vaccinated, you won’t get it or give it! Steele dossier was Hillary Vaccinated shedding the virus! Oh and you were Covid deaths were much much lower and hospitals knew it wasn’t Covid ! Hospitals and doctors paid to push vaccines! Mm keep going? ULTRA MAGA ,#TRUMP2024 TRUMP WON 2020, Biden was installed, ARREST FAUCI
PoliticalMurica @RandPaul @AmericaRpts The GOP literally murdered its way to defeat. "The Republican Party is unquestionably complicit in the premature deaths of many of its own supporters, a phenomenon that may be without precedent in the history of both American democracy and virology." Mocking election deniers, fascists & despots. Fighting insurrectionists, propagandists, dog whistlers, racists & conspiracy dolts. Join us! 🇺🇸 🌊 #RESIST 🌊
hoops_jeff968 @IAGovernor Remember that time that your inaction and disregard for human life led to the COVID deaths of 10,700+ Iowans? Shame on you!
AndyVermaut Diksmuide, België Andy Vermaut shares:WHO launches new pandemic prevention plan, as COVID deaths fall 95 per cent: The World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday launched a new initiative to help strengthen countries’ ability to plan for, and deal with,… Thank you. Linked to WCPDCD,(EU) Climate (Pact) Ambassador (volunteer) RT is not endorsement Fundamental Rights Postversa Whatsapp +32499357495 denktankcarmenta@gmail.com
slikrik2003 NYC @BHudsonWrites @TnAlistair @peoplercrazy_ @moveqifreely @DavidC_Hatfield @Debunk_the_Funk @PutxiWhipped It’s not because people didn’t get it. Did they kill people with remdesivir and vents like America? You have to remember a huge percentage of our COVID deaths were iatrocide. That was admitted as early as March 2020 by doctors and nurses. I must confess the world is a mess. #SpacesHost
Please_StandBye Mick jagger didn’t lose 50,000 + children at the southern border in the last two years according to DHS! Didn’t leave $80 billion of weapons for the Taliban according to the DOD! Didn’t have 500,000 more Covid deaths than Trump According to the CDC! Didn’t cancel Any and All… Dirty voter rolls can be used to rig elections with mail in ballots and forged signatures. Please Stand By because GOD is with the righteous fighters.
Please_StandBye @KaivanShroff @chanceseales @scrippsnews Mick jagger didn’t lose 50,000 + children at the southern border in the last two years according to DHS! Didn’t leave $80 billion of weapons for the Taliban according to the DOD! Didn’t have 500,000 more Covid deaths than Trump According to the CDC! Didn’t cancel Any and All… Dirty voter rolls can be used to rig elections with mail in ballots and forged signatures. Please Stand By because GOD is with the righteous fighters.
TimetoTime07 WHO launches new pandemic prevention plan, as COVID deaths fall 95 per cent The World Health Organization (WHO) on Wednesday launched a new initiative to help strengthen countries’ ability to plan for, and deal with, another deadly pandemic like COVID-19… | All about News.
portsidetwd South Wales @merlin_saint @andrew7rd @DHasper @LeenerTep @delboy00789 @LauriHWilliams @WebGuyTV @Unity_Coach @anon5standingby @GeezercitizenX @TakethatCt @RBarker0341 @magicnumber41 @ADevotedYogi @BlaylockMooky @Tdillon06 @umfpt @Caramel_HoneyB @vandahl7 @AltavozMagalong @kiwi_kent @Michael94173566 @OOOimUrAngel @DebateOnFacts @Ravi1236541 @arduatendit @375NorseLegend @BreakingNewsFi2 @Millska21 @MikeinHalifax @CoryRove @trevormarr1 @Service_Proof @jmcstow @queenbee0568 @Reneep43 @1D10Two @AveryJames33 @EarthOne_13 @Mummymobbsback1 @teamphil @SteveBuckeye23 @TruthPyRate @mjoyce1950 @cha0te @skullapple27 @dray3time You only needed to see false cases and falsely attributed covid deaths going into the data set to become suspicious, which happened immediately Remember when folks used to grow food in their gardens and share what they produced? We still do!
Hunter4Jail @RepRaskin Biden had more COVID deaths than Trump. Even though Trump gave him a vaccine and everything ready for distribution. Making sure liars don’t get away with it
i_zakhunt @GregHands @Conservatives British people wont forget: 250,000 unnecessary covid deaths. Fast lane corruption. PPE fraud. Tory sleaze. Waterways full of raw sewage. Brexit lies. Lockdown partys. The failure to support our NHS. The Truss/Kwarteng budget disaster. And on and on and on.... Lover of beer, wine, music & good food. Bit of a cook. Woke. Remainer. And dogs, don't forget dogs!
DallasAJackson Santa Rosa Beach, FL @TheInsiderPaper And… stunningly… there were deaths from influenza again. Weird those vanished during Covid and now they are back, but Covid deaths are gone. Huh? Weird, I guess. If you quit on the process, you are quitting on the result.
LodricAtkinson 14,000 deaths last week. COVID-19 "here to stay." "Countries need to learn to manage it alongside other infectious diseases ... "... still changing ... still capable of causing new waves of disease and death." - World Health Organization ()WHO: Investments || Proud Jamaican 🇯🇲 Interests: Nature, Art, Culture, Diversity, History, Literature, Politics, Economy #WritingCommunity RETWEET NOT ENDORSEMENT
laurielew1966 Massachusetts, USA @wicked_hope @PatrickRuffini Doctors and hospitals report Covid deaths. I have heard there are studies underway in the ongoing effects of Covid after infection. Not buying the "government lying" charge. #Medicare4All because For-profit is barbaric #VoteBlue Blocked by Rudy Giuliani Republicans are a danger to our democracy no DM's, I just delete them.
KOConsequence @Sprinter0712 Use OWD: In the U.S. cumulative covid deaths: Jan 1, 2021 = 355,767, Jan 1, 2022=820,389, Jan 1, 2023= 1.08 Million. The trajectory got worse after vax roll-out, and contin'd climb even tho less virulent strains. Vax did nothing good, only bad+this does not factor in vax deaths One Should Knowone Of Consequence
marchmatron Phoenix, AZ AND Biden didn't engage in insurrection, voter fraud, espionage, 1 million COVID deaths, 3rd-grade bullying, or fan-girl worship of dictators. A proponent of matronly wisdom and a combatant of hooligans and foolishness . . . Don't make me call your mother. #Resist
Pureblood0 @SwaledaleMutton @PaulssonChris @ABridgen @NHS Simple Q no trick how many covid deaths in the UK ? And how many vaccine deaths ? Hunter gatherer
Pabel5Pabel @Drcharliefraud @Alichat66 @Nigel_Farage A lot of cases were not reported correctly just as covid deaths were reported even though people died WITH covid not OF it. So facts and statistics are all very well but they can be manipulated. Born abroad on an RAF base to Scottish father and English mother. Consider myself British and Scottish. Anti SNP. Love dogs especially Labradors.
drcherrypark Scotland, United Kingdom @netismoy @Rosemaryforsyt7 Mmm highest excess covid deaths in the (crape) UK context, sent covid positive patients into Care Homes full of vulnerable elderly and the Covid Capital of Europe on the separate occasions. Amazing job, that God they did make an ars* of it Glasgow Rangers CR4, Inverness Clachnacuddin and Black Sabbath
MylesDogood Boston @UrDSU @TimothyDSnyder and the hundreds of thousands of US Covid deaths Fox & DJT’s misinformation and lies caused
FlYachttrader Jupiter, FL @DebbieSVA @mwp0707 @CollinRugg Roughly 95 percent of so called COVID deaths were false representations and called COVID deaths. Stop with your Trump tin hat! Your president and his queer agenda is going to get us all killed! The rest of the world is arming up while we are making queer weeks! We are the joke Owner at #JupiterMarineSales Owner - CEO Florida Yacht Trader
Jeremy31098411 @Rp381Pedraja @dr7854 @GenoVeno73 @RyanAFournier Florida's law does make exceptions. Did you research this? Also, Florida and New York had almost exactly the same COVID deaths at 1 in 246 and 1 in 243 respectively. This is also considering Florida's relatively lax policies and New York's very rigid policies. Top contributor, fan of the American people, independent ideology.
Tel_Boy_Trotta 15 minute smart city @conkyan @citizen_retro I don’t need to! They achieve nothing! If lockdowns work why did countries who imposed strict lockdowns like the UK and Spain (see thread) have significant pre vaccine Covid deaths? Japan had light touch restrictions and had no problems until mass vaccination happened. He who laughs last, lasts longest at laughing! 🤔
MichaelQuist4 @RandPaul @nytimes You read the article? The US had so many unnecessary Covid deaths due to divisive anti-vaxx rhetoric from extremists like yourself. He doesn’t know exactly why you chose to blunt public health measures and kill hundreds of thousands. If you want to explain, please do.
boyer46583 @Jim_Jordan So why don't you shut the hell up then? You, the MAGA anti-vaxxer COVID death cult and the guy responsible for 100,000s COVID deaths Donald Trump can all fork off.
troll_hell Manhattan, NY @Just_Me1654 @bluestown901 @BrandiLamonte You're voting for trump, who are you kidding. Here's a little reminder for you.... And to think, you lost your mind bc 4 guys died in benghazi. 🙄 A old crabby man. I don't block anyone. Blocking me proves you can't handle the truth!
herbthefox420 Conscious & aware @Veritatem2021 There's no mention of vaccination status. They stopped giving vax status details in jun 22 here in uk when excess non covid deaths started sky rocketing. They still are and it's the same in all Western highly vax'd countries but not mentioned in MSM. When enough humans practice control thought & emotion collective unconscious will evolve. RT's not agreement ; Satire inevitable. 👝︝ the larger perSpEctivE 🖼︝
SavageLeeBeaten Minnesota, USA @GovTimWalz Hey, remember when you tried to manufacture blame on little kids in sports for elderly Covid deaths in long term care facilities because you gave the order to move them there? Thoughts and prayers to the worthless d bags who voted you back into office. living in the land of passive aggressive Commies and soccer moms.
Cernovich Had Trump listened to Peter Navarro in January 2020, the Democrats would have owned the Covid deaths and Trump and Republicans would have been in control. It was the greatest blunder of his presidency. Did you read the article?

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