
120000 patients have died waiting for NHS treatment on Rishi Sunaks watch Vox Political

Health Service Sunak #120000

These people live among us. They are . It may be time to accelerate the ways to

Credit to globalnews for the clip.

Running towards a and her cubs Definitely a way to . They live among us.

Gaming rulebooks, trademarks, and general conversation in most of the 1900s used dice for singular usage, and die for collective references. 

If I went back to , I'd have to get high-calorie meals and snacks to feed my brain with a break timer so I don't lose too much weight from forgetting to eat and accidentally .

CSU ist selbst schwarz-braun, die interessiert das Thema nur unter Wahlkampfgesichtspunkten.

Was sind denn das fr seltsame des nach "" wofr man bei , als Brger:in, in "" , , "" wird

Wer hat Welche sind das Warum Wie kommen "" damit durch

I think we invented because we figured out that we're gonna .

A is something you tell other people so your experiences don't end with you.

If we lived forever we wouldn't need to tell our stories.

But we do, and those around us do too. So we started telling stories to forestall and evade .

I've gotten behind on linking my Fringe posts here. Here's a comedic Monday, with Scoobie Doosical and Die-Nasty. -nasty

Day 25: Unplayed RPG I own. I own far too many unplayed RPGs but I'm steadily whittling the number down. Right now, the one I yearn to play most is from Rowan Rook & Decard - Goth Jumanji for the win!

When i it will be because i was thinking of pretty girls while through rush hour

Why Your Makes You See If You're About to by

Alt. link.:

The human psyche is a miracolous thing, in my opinion

Roll the diceor rather, the single : - (Hen-, a.k.a. Hen-). Cyclic crux of .

Okay, dann gehts zu den # rzte nach Potsdam!
Tickets gekauft.

: Wenn man sein fr

Alt. link.:


, christlich demokratisch
Guter Witz.

, christlich sozial
Der ist besser.

, sozialistisch
Pure Ironie.

, frei demokratisch
Blanker Zynismus.

Grnen, kologisch
Wendehlse mit gespaltener Zunge.

Unsere Parteienlandschaft gleicht einem Schmierentheater voller Quacksalber. Verrohung und Spaltung der Gesellschaft sind daher logische Folgerung. und werden mit Fen getreten weshalb der rechte Dreck erstarkt, weil es deren Methode ist.

A in , and .

are officially but also desperately want to the country's to create more to and in the conflict in with .


Here's What Happens To Your When You


How many more will die before the Tories reopen safe, legal asylum routes Vox Political


If someone asked you to help them die (euthanasia), would you help them even knowing you could be prosecuted

- UK foreign cuts: Thousands will as a result, says report

Ein Text zur Gesamtklage und Degeneration der ollen :

gehen aktuell zahlreiche Beschwerden von Flugsugetieren u.a. ein, die sich ausgegrenzt fhlen. Diese anarchistische hat sie einfach aus der ausgeXt. wissen nicht mehr ob weiter zwitschern sollen oder ist dies das . Dazu noch das ! Gibt's Alternativen Den sollte umgehend geholfen werden.
haben Anliegen priorisiert.
Watt 'n ist da in Sicht

Privately-run prisons officers ignored pregnant teenager in labour so the baby died Vox Political

Can an be the cause of a greater
Stop or you'll !
Look at my on !



in : 'My were ready to me for their '

"If the doesn't help us, we may have to . We will never be as we are, will remain on the run, always afraid of being separated," he says.

Look at the start date of the petition, when it was written twitter was at least marginally a good guy.

I also want twitter and whatever Musk attempts change its name to in order to escape its reputation for and , to in a .

I just finished the series DIE. It's not normally something I think I'd be into, but I read it just because is here on Mastodon. I REALLY liked it! It makes me want to play D&D, which I've never played before. Highly recommended!


Die Impfung hat nicht das schlimmste verhindert: Sie hat uns den Arsch gerettet. Die Zahlen der Krankenhausaufenthalte gingen praktisch zusammen mit den Impfungen runter. Ich glaube das ist das Hauptproblem der Maskebleibtauf Bubble, genauso wie die Querdenker habt ihr einen der grten Erfolgsgeschichten der Medizingeschichte, die mRna Impfung systematisch mit Dreck beworfen. Gut das ihr als Bubble zum Glck eher unbedeutend bleibt. Und ja Luftreinigung 1/2

Every you make eye contact with as you pass them on the will someday and you will never know each other. It makes me , and I about it a lot, but in truth I dont want to know them.

Did Let 500,000 Purely for Purposes

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You have to a few times before you can really .

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UN ziehen aus ab, stattdessen sind jetzt -Sldner im Land. Der Westen hat es trotz Milliarden Dollar Aufbauhilfe nicht vermocht, das Land zu stabilisieren.

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