Das Urteil im Prozess um die tdlichen Schsse auf Mouhamed Lamine Dram wird am 12. Dezember erwartet. Nach den abschlieenden Pldoyers flieen auf der Anklagebank bei den Schlussworten Trnen. Auch nach dem Prozessende werden viele Fragen offen bleiben. Der Prozess zeigt eine zerklftete Gesellschaft.

if from their () but they don't want you to know about it.

are and will keep , but the is working hard to the

no ser yo el meme de "be toxic!" en la partida de


I dont know who are u , rip.

Linke ist gegen einen Krieg, der allein durch die grten Rstungskapazitten gewonnen wird. So eine Rstungsspirale hat die Sowjetunion in den Ruin getrieben und aktuellen gefhrdet sie den sozialen Zusammenhalt und die Demokartie in Deutschland. Bei Sozialem wird gerne gesparrt, aber jetzt sollen 2% des BIP ohne Sondervermgen fr Rstung ausgegeben werden. Solidaritt ist mehr als nur Raketen. Stoppt lieber den russischen lexport durch die Ostsee.

Hurra endlich wieder Stammtisch und endlich wieder sammeln! Wir brauchen Deine Unterschrift, damit wir zur Bundestagswahl antreten drfen. Komm also zu unserem Stammtisch, genie ein Getrnk und rette ganz nebenbei die Demokratie :)


Meet the man who is trying not to die

Bryan spends $2 million a year attempting to reverse the process and trying to not

"Damn... I did not consider fatal accidents!"

( is part of )

people love cats in hats, been told by many, "If only you'd with . You'd be rollin' like an in it! "

Cool. Cool.

of an then you on toward

Und weil sie es einfach so schn auf den Punkt bringen
.** 100 %
Wann gibt es endlich wieder Krieg


oh, good grief. If it were anything I'd want anyone to glean, it's:

God = Love

That's it, but since there's a with among everyone keeps bouncing off each other rather than making the that come from

get it from day one. Then somewhere along the line it's, then you and they're left with two choices, never there's a

Be true to it's hard


- CNN.co.jp

"The V-11, code-named "Scorpio", is a miniprocessor chip set implementation of the VAX instruction set architecture (ISA) developed and fabricated by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)."


Czochralski technique - The method is named after Polish scientist Jan Czochralski. Silicon Wafer production. Approximately 8090% of silicon wafers used in the semiconductor industry are manufactured using the Czochralski method.

Packt Hashtags # fr eine bessere Lesbarkeit und Funktionalitt (unter ) am besten geschlossen

Nour Khalil von der Platform sagt: EU hat die Regierung ermutigt, das zu verabschieden, und als sicheres Land fr die Rckkehr von dargestellt. sagte Zuschsse und Investitionen in Hhe von insgesamt 7,4 Milliarden Euro zu, wobei etwa 200 Millionen Euro speziell fr die vorgesehen sind.

Some stroboscopic shot from 2019. It looks as if it was shot with HSS but it's not (you can notice the double ghost of the dice because of more than one strike of flash).

Schulfrei fr die Bundeswehr!
Schulverweis wegen Bundeswehrprotest
Mehr dazu bei
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Link im Tor-Netzwerk:
Tags: -In

Remember it's about them being so they can , not out of some for .

s is .

How many more must as a result of beating their bare

Detect It Easy (a.k.a DiE) is a program for determining types of files for Windows, Linux and MacOS. Detect It Easy author horsicq has published a new version : v3.10


Download Release

I was raised , which is a specific flavor of . Among the features of are the stories of .

Saints tend to for / rather than in God's name.

There are some of those kind, too, but the whole idea of martyrs and martyrdom is highly prevalent.

In other sects, this gets twisted into the idea that today, right now, Christians are being actively persecuted in the and elsewhere.

De gekke dingen die mensen vroeger maakten: een reis door de geschiedenis van kunst

Hey vriendjes! Vandaag gaan we op een avontuurlijke reis door de geschiedenis van kunst en ontdekken we de gekke dingen die mensen vroeger maakten. Kun je je voorstellen dat sommige van deze kunst...

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Wat zijn die piepkleine deeltjes in de natuurkunde

Hey lieve studenten!

Vandaag gaan we het hebben over de piepkleine deeltjes in de natuurkunde. Deze deeltjes, ook wel subatomaire deeltjes genoemd, zijn de bouwstenen van alles om ons heen. Ze zijn...

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Last for today, but certainly not least: Ange Albertini presenting "Understanding file type identifiers"

Warning: contains raw bytes

De grote mensen die naar verre landen gingen

Haai lieve geschiedenisvriendjes! Vandaag gaan we het hebben over de grote mensen die naar verre landen gingen. Deze dappere ontdekkingsreizigers trotseerden de wilde oceanen en ontdekten nieuwe w...

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2024 -

Wer sich auskennt, wei das genau dieses zu uns kommen wird bzw. der Anfang schon da ist
Es liegt an uns wie vershnlich oder unversnlich Deutschland wird

The Insurrection Act & the fact we don't have a in office will make the next impossible.

Mark my words, those are going to screaming if they try anything stupid in 2024.

Something from 2019, when I was experimenting with die and water in high-speed. In this post, this is the first time I use a filter from Pixelfed. I'm trying to compensate for the dull colors, as my images are usually saved in Adobe 1998 color space and it seems Pixelfed doesn't identify this space so things are pulled back to sRGB space, which makes the colors appear dull and less saturated here. This said, I'm having some ideas at the back of my head and will try to take some new pics soon (also shot some with my phone so I might process those as well, we'll see).

Alle mensen zijn gelijk: over mensen die anders zijn dan jij

Wat leuk dat jullie weer zijn gekomen voor mijn les! Vandaag wil ik het hebben over een heel belangrijk onderwerp: dat alle mensen gelijk zijn, ook al zijn ze anders dan jij.

Respect voor elkaa...

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Wat is de wereldbol en hoe werkt die

Hallo lieve studentjes! Vandaag gaan we het hebben over de wereldbol. De wereldbol is eigenlijk een driedimensionale representatie van onze planeet, de Aarde. Het is een bolvormige kaart die alle ...

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Alle dieren en planten zijn anders: over biologische verschillen en dingen die op elkaar lijken

Hey daar, lieve studenten! Vandaag gaan we het hebben over de wonderlijke wereld van biologische verschillen en gelijkenissen tussen dieren en planten.

Unieke kenmerken

Elk dier en elke plant...

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Die baantjesmarkt: wat doe jij later

Als jullie mij, Waffel de hond, kennen dan weten jullie dat ik altijd mijn best doe om jullie maatschappijleer bij te brengen op een leuke en begrijpelijke manier. Vandaag wil ik jullie meenemen i...

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Wat zijn mensenrechten Die zijn voor iedereen belangrijk!

Hey lieve studenten! Vandaag gaan we het hebben over mensenrechten. Maar wat zijn dat eigenlijk Mensenrechten zijn rechten die voor iedereen gelden, gewoon omdat we mens zijn. Het zijn basisrec...

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of or die of . This is the used by have.

Een verhaal over alle landjes die samen spelen: de Europeanen Unie!

Hoi allemaal! Ik ben Waffel de hond en vandaag ga ik jullie alles vertellen over de Europeanen Unie. Het is eigenlijk een beetje zoals een spelletje waar alle landjes samen spelen en samenwerken...

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HaselmausWillNichtRaus !

den song gibts auch auf spotify oder als real in insta
schaut mal rein und zeigts euren freundis

I dont sing because I am happy Im happy because I sing.


"All the interests of my reason, speculative as well as practical, combine in the three following questions: 1. What can I 2. What I to do 3. What may I "


67 . , , .

Gottfried Leibniz -

67 Each portion of matter can be conceived as like a garden full of plants, or like a pond full of fish. But each branch of a plant, each organ of an animal, each drop of its bodily fluids is also a similar garden or a similar pond.

Gottfried -

He that begins to , begins to .

Francis Quarles, Hieroglyphics

, like , is a of .

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, IV, 5

Live and let live.
Leben und Leben lassen.

People have an effect upon one another: Not by virtue of their nature, but rather by virtue of motivations brought forth through mutual understanding.

Edmund Husserl, Basic Problems of Phenomenology, p. 172

is concerned with , the worthiest and holiest thing in man, the thing man must know if it is to have obligatory force for him.

s Philosophy of , 215 Ethical Life / Civil Society / Administration of Justice / Determinate Law at:

No can be founded on , even if the authority were .

A. J. , Essay on

All is mischief. All punishment of itself is evil.

Jeremy , Principles of and



- .

& , Manifesto (1848)

- an association in which the free development of each individual is the condition for the free development of all.

& , Manifesto (1848)

, , . , .


is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established , an ideal to which reality will have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.

Friedrich & Karl - The German Ideology, 1845

, , , , . , , , : , .

, .

, , . , .


1. - , , , , .


, , . , , , , , , , , , , ,


"The consistent , then, should be a , but a socialist of a particular sort. He will not only oppose alienated and specialized labor and look forward to the appropriation of capital by the whole body of workers, but he will also insist that this appropriation be direct, not exercised by some elite force acting in the name of the proletariat."

Noam - In Daniel Gurin, : From Theory to Practice, 1970

" , , . , , , , , . "

"He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of , how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble is I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."


: 1) " , " 2) / ( ) ... , () .

Communism as I learned it from Marx:

1) "FROM EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR ABILITIES, TO EACH ACCORDING TO THEIR NEEDS" 2) Cooperation between producers/consumers with the goal to meet our needs and for ALL of us to prosper with the LEAST possible toil (and time)... so that we have plenty of free time to cultivate our SENSES, our mind, and our (interpersonal) relationships.

Der Kommunismus, wie ich ihn von Marx gelernt habe:

1) "JEDER NACH SEINEN FHIGKEITEN, JEDER NACH SEINEN BEDRFNISSEN" 2) Zusammenarbeit zwischen Produzenten/Konsumenten mit dem Ziel, unsere Bedrfnisse zu decken und dass WIR ALLE mit dem GERINGSTMGLICHEN Aufwand (und Zeit) gedeihen... damit wir ausreichend Freizeit haben, um unsere SINNE, unseren Geist und unsere (zwischenmenschlichen) Beziehungen zu pflegen.

, , , , , , , - . . . , , . , . 409.

"The discovery, creation and satisfaction of new needs arising from society itself the cultivation of all the qualities of the social human being, production of the same in a form as rich as possible in needs, because rich in qualities and relationsproduction of this being as the most total and universal possible social product, for, in order to take gratification in a many-sided way, he must be capable of many pleasures, hence cultivated to a high degreeis likewise a condition of production founded on capital . . . The development of a constantly expanding and more comprehensive system of different kinds of labour, different kinds of production, to which a constantly expanding and constantly enriched system of needs corresponds." Grundrisse, p. 409.

in the sphere of necessity can consist only in this, that socialized
man, the associated producers, govern the human metabolism with nature
in a rational way, bringing it under collective control instead of being
dominated by it as a blind power (Marx, 1894 1981:959).

The capitalist gives back to the worker a part of his own surplus
labour in the form of an /avance, /for which he must reimburse the
capitalist not merely with an equivalent, but with surplus labour.
MECW 29: 37

The power that each individual exercises over
the activity of others or over social wealth exists in him as the owner
of /exchange values/, of /money/. He carries his social power, as also
his connection with society in his pocket (Marx 1986:94).

It is a characteristic feature of labour which posits
exchange-value value that it causes the social relations of
individuals to appear in the perverted form of a social relationship
between things (Marx 1970:34).

... ...

...there are structures of violence telling people to shut up...


: . , . , . , . , , : .

So: are with . If you think about it, this is a really ingenious trick. Because when most of think about police, we do not think of them as regulation. We think of them as crime, and when we think of "crime," the kind of crime we have in our minds in violent crime. Even though, in fact, what police mostly do is exactly the opposite: they bring the threat of force to bear on situations that would otherwise have nothing to do with it.


But what can function as an archetype in a fragmented society

Raoul Vaneigem - Basic Banalities:

It should not be forgotten that hierarchical power is inconceivable without transcendence, without ideologies, without myths.

Raoul Vaneigem - Basic Banalities:

"All becoming is a criminal revolt from eternal being and its price is death."

... Privative appropriation and domination are thus originally imposed and felt as a positive right, but in the form of a negative universality. Valid for everyone, justified in everyone's eyes by divine or natural law, the right of privative appropriation is objectified in a general illusion, in a universal transcendence, in an essential law under which everyone individually manages to tolerate the more or less narrow limits assigned to his right to live and to the conditions of life in general. ...

Raoul - Basic Banalities:

Hoe schimmels groeien en bloeien: alles over die rare paddenstoeltjes

Hallo lieve studenten! Vandaag gaan we het hebben over hoe schimmels groeien en bloeien. Schimmels zijn fascinerende organismen die overal om ons heen te vinden zijn. Ze kunnen soms een beetje vre...

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