Alle Dieren en Planten die samen Spelen en Eten: Het Voedselweb

Hoi allemaal! Vandaag ga ik het hebben over iets heel interessants, namelijk het voedselweb.

Het voedselweb is als een grote kringloop waarin alle dieren en planten met elkaar verbonden zijn d...

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So, after many failures using the trigger, and using it with sound and motion sensors to trigger the flash, I've decided to go back to my old methods of eye-hand coordination and shoot with HSS mode in the speedlites, with 1/8000 seconds for the shutter (highest for Canon 7D). The results were satisfying for sure more than using complicated methods like the sound or motion triggers!
The second shot in the series. Typically I keep it as a single shot per day instead of putting it all together in a single post. So far, we have 7 shots in total, and this is the 2nd. The die look wobbly again because of the multiple flash strokes.
Die erste Hrde ist genommen. Deutschland geht mit "Die Saat des heiligen Feigenbaums" ins Rennen um den Auslands-Oscar. Der Film erzhlt von den Rissen innerhalb einer Familie, die stellvertretend sind fr die innerhalb der iranischen Gesellschaft, heit es in der Begrndung.
Die erste Hrde ist genommen. Deutschland geht mit "Die Saat des heiligen Feigenbaums" ins Rennen um den Auslands-Oscar. Der Film erzhlt von den Rissen innerhalb einer Familie, die stellvertretend sind fr die innerhalb der iranischen Gesellschaft, heit es in der Begrndung.
(heart betting 1) Cutting out my archival posts, with this "somewhat" new shot. Had gone lot of troubles to shoot it and in the end, I had to go back to my old methods of shooting high speed photos eye-hand coordination instead of using flash duration. This shot here wasn't what I had in mind but nevertheless, I think it looks good. The shaky or wobbly appearance for the die here is caused by multiple flashes (which I couldn't control to make it just one).

2024 China Adhesive & Sealant Expo , Shanghai presents quality such as , , , and products, , , , , , , , and . 16.-21. September 2024. SNIEC (Shanghai New ), , .

Ab morgen isses so weit: endlich knnen Autofahrer auch kiffen

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a before on & was an + thereafter.

"Through my , I began to realize what it must be like to be , to , and to in . I can't even imagine it.

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Hoe werkt dat gekke ding met die magneetjes

# Hoe werkt dat gekke ding met die magneetjes

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Die? Noch ist unklar, wie der Iran und seine Verbndeten Israel angreifen wollen. Fest steht aber, dass der Hisbollah dabei eine Schlsselrolle zukommt. ber welche Waffen verfgt die Terrorgruppe Und knnte sie damit Israels Luftabwehr berfordern

Experte rumt mit E-Auto-Mythen auf: Umweltfreundlichster Antrieb von allen

Sehr interessant, anbei ein paar Zitate daraus.


China wird kaum mehr einzuholen sein, China hat sich als dominierende Kraft in der Batterieproduktion etabliert. Deutsche und europische Hersteller stehen vor der Herausforderung, diesen technologischen Vorsprung zu erreichen.


Alternativen wie Wasserstoff und E-Fuels sind derzeit keine realistischen Optionen. Wasserstoff ist teuer in der Produktion und wird berwiegend aus Erdgas hergestellt, was seinen CO2-Fuabdruck vergleichbar mit dem von Diesel macht. E-Fuels, die ebenfalls fossile Brennstoffe ersetzen sollen, haben hnliche Nachteile wie traditionelle Kraftstoffe.

Sie verursachen weiterhin Emissionen wie Ru, Stickstoffoxide und Lrm.

Fichtner betont, dass E-Mobilitt, trotz der bestehenden Herausforderungen, der vielversprechendste Weg ist. Der Kampf gegen europische Regelungen und die Frderung fossiler Brennstoffe hat ihrer Meinung nach wenig Aussicht auf nachhaltigen Erfolg.

Orrr...berbleibsel aus einem anderen Post

Huch...das ist noch aus einem anderen Post briggeblieben

Guten Morgen :highfive:

Guten Morgen :highfive:

Moin Mc :highfive:

Plants: Hoe die groen dingen groeien en bloeien

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More than a people on roads every year. Meet the man determined to them (And he appears to be succeeding - don't think is listening as closely as it could though)

Those People Should Just : s on How the Ex-President Sees

Donald Trumps , very much hopes for a to better the of , a driven by being the of a .

"Democrats embrace weird label, turning tables on conservative rhetoric often used against queer people"

"In the end, this isn't just about politics. It's about who gets to define American culture. And by embracing the 'weird' label and turning it back on their opponents, Democrats are making a bold statement: the future belongs to those who celebrate diversity, not those who fear it."

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articolo per perdere peso.

Vorresti che perdere peso fosse facile come gustare una tazza di caff Black Latte lo rende possibile! Questa formula unica combina potenti estratti naturali per aiutarti a perdere chili indesiderati senza sforzo. Black Latte agisce frenando le voglie, aumentando il metabolismo e promuovendo una sana digestione. sana sano


en otro orden de cosas, en septiembre empiezo campaa de and I can't be happier

Why are more likely to earlier than women

digs into the which contribute to these

suggested people with should just '

Auftraggeber*innen, die von der 4-Tage-Woche schwrmen, alle geplanten Puffer mit ihrer Eigenachtsamkeit fr sich beanspruchen und mich dann anranzen, dass ich, um die Deadline zu halten, ruhig auch mal 7 Tage am Stck arbeiten kann ("Schlielich bezahle ich Sie dafr!"), aber sauer sind, wenn WE-Arbeit mehr kostet.
Diese Leute, die offensichtlich vergessen haben, dass auch ich Bcher schreibe und mich ber Beitrge zu meinem Figurenfundus freue.

Waarom zijn er mensen die anders zijn dan wij

Hallo allemaal, ik ben Waffel de hond en vandaag gaan we het hebben over waarom er mensen zijn die anders zijn dan wij.

1. Diversiteit is mooi
Net zoals dat ik een bruine vacht heb en sommige...

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Republicans also made concerns about the election a formal part of their .

We will implement measures to secure our elections,
including voter ID,
highly sophisticated paper ballots,
proof of citizenship and same-day voting.

We will not allow the Democrats to give voting rights to illegal aliens, the document says.

Republicans say they are building an army of poll watchers and observers
to watch over the vote this year.

Theyve also appointed ,
a lawyer facing criminal charges in Arizona for her involvement in the scheme,
to head the partys litigation efforts.

Election denialism front and center at Republican national convention

Dont fuck us, , the former CBS News anchor turned to me and said.
If you use the word theorist in your story, Im going to haunt you when I .

It was the third day of the Republican national and Logan was standing in the atrium of a hotel that was once the old Pabst Brewery in Milwaukee.
She was there to moderate a presentation by ,
the founder of the far-right website , and his twin brother, Joe, who is also a contributor to the site.

The site, which has become a launchpad for ,
has been in hot water recently.
The site declared in April in order to delay civil suits from two election workers and a former Voting Systems employee who say the site defamed them.
The site denies publishing claims against the women.

The event billed as a blockbuster interview on the sites legal challenges and new beginnings underscored how doubts about the outcome of the 2020 election continue to grip Republicans
(a PRRI poll from January found that 63% of Republicans believe the 2020 election was ).

Inside and outside of the convention hall, it was clear in speeches and interviews with attendees throughout the week that doubts about the 2020 election remain,
and the possibility of another stolen vote looms.

The most direct reference to a stolen election in 2020 came in a pre-recorded video from Donald Trump
that aired on the jumbotron each night.
It was only one of two videos that repeated
(the other was a goofy video of Trump doing a wiggle-type dance to the song ).

The most important thing we have to do is protect the vote.
You have to keep your eyes open because these people want to cheat
and they do cheat, and, frankly, its the only thing they do well, Trump said in the video.

Republican speakers steered clear of the 2020 election results directly,
and instead repeatedly emphasized the threat of - voting,
which is exceedingly and yet nonetheless has become a central part of the partys around elections.

Just as Trump pointed to mail-in ballots to seed about the 2020 election,
experts believe that the emphasis on non-citizen voting is an effort to seed doubt about the election results in 2024.

At the Gateway Pundit event, there was little new information.
Jim Hoft walked the 20 or so attendees
the event was also livestreamed on X
through video footage that purported to show Georgia election workers running ballots through tabulator machines several times.

We think this is important because in my world anyway where I grew up, you kind of count ballots two or three times, Jim Hoft said.
He insisted that nothing the site had published had been disproven.

The claim that ballots were scanned multiple times in Georgia has been
and the women have both been cleared of any wrongdoing.

If theres an issue scanning a single ballot within a batch
a jam or a smudge on a ballot
its common practice for election workers to delete the incomplete batch to the entire group until they have the correct total.

The state also conducted a hand recount of every single vote cast in the presidential race in Georgia that Joe Bidens win there.

At the convention, there was little doubt that the next election could be .
The struggle of the Biden campaign and Trumps strong standing in the polls only increased the belief that any Democratic victory would be illegitimate.
Speaking at an Axios event on the sidelines of the convention, Donald Trump said that if Trump lost it would be because of .
Were going to have to make sure we have people watching the election very closely, he said at the event.
I dont think that Joe Biden over-performed only in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee
I just dont thats real, he said.

As part of their messaging around non-citizen voting, Republicans recently passed legislation in the US House that would
require anyone who registers to vote to show proof of citizenship.
Speakers at the convention picked up the mantle by suggesting that Democrats had opened the borders to allow non-citizens to vote.

, who is running for a US Senate seat in Arizona,
falsely accused her opponent, Representative Ruben Gallego,
of voting to let the millions of people who poured into our country illegally cast a ballot in this upcoming election.

Imagining a second Biden term, Senator Rick Scott of Florida said: It was easy for Democrats to rig the elections they simply allowed all the non-citizens to vote.

Democrats want illegals to vote now that they opened the border, Steve Scalise, a top Republican in the US House, said in his speech.

Kiekeboe met landen die ruzie maken

Hoi lieve vogelvriendjes! Vandaag gaan we het hebben over "Kiekeboe met landen die ruzie maken"

Soms gebeurt het dat landen niet goed met elkaar op kunnen schieten. Dit kan verschillende redenen...

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