I Laugh at your comments saying The rapid deterioration in the situation in Kashmir under Modi in the last five years pleases the Pakistanis How Pakistan will be pleased when their goals where not yet met Instead their men die in the hands of our forces inside outside

anandsri0007 Tamil Nadu , India @MandeepBajwa I Laugh at your comments saying The rapid deterioration in the situation in Kashmir under Modi in the last five years pleases the Pakistanis 😁😁😁 How Pakistan will be pleased when their goals where not yet met ? Instead their men die in the hands of our forces inside outside? I am Indian. I am Nationalist, for me Nation come FIRST. I TROLL "ENEMIES" . "FOLLOWERS SHOULD NEVER MIND". NORMAL CITIZEN! 🇮🇳SATHYAMEVA JAYATHEY!🇮🇳
Psyfinity @sevenelemon I dont like cold. But I hate it when it is cold and then weather decides to SUDDENLY get really warm. Can you imagine? We had snow start of the week and now it's fucking summer... I will die soon xD CURRENT OBSESSION : KARAMATSU ☆ 'I am an adult' and 'Pokemon is my life' is all you need to know about me ☆ Subscribe to PewDiePie ☆ #ミュウツー ☆ #Mewtwo ☆
ySarawa_ Jigawa, Nigeria I always think & fear death about when it comes for me, but it seems like some people don't believe they'll die and their actions questioned. Imagine telling people this trash? How will you confront God? How? You may think am abnormally unintelligent, amazingly inarticulate, fantastically uncultured, extraordinarily uneducated! Guess What?
alle1304 Timişoara, România @saskahime Oh no, I hate when people die. Welp, I guess now I will hate grave keepers. Does that make sense? No. That's basically how it is when people hate a ship because of its shippers. I had a lot of people telling me to kill myself lately, but I hate THEM, not what they like A fellow female Rwby fan that loves Bumbleby(Yang best girl💛) (Bumbleby is the OTP,but I like BlackSun too,so I am open to disscusion about it if anyone wants)
Skeri_ Naxxramas When I die will you build a little statue for me, somewhere in Kharanos? Thank you @Warcraft WAITING FOR CLASSIC WOW TO HIT🐐YT:
aryaslist19 @SpeakerPelosi @RepAdamSchiff @RepJerryNadler You don’t know what is best for us. It will not destroy your chances in 2020. Believe me when I say we are tired, we are disheartened, we feel helpless everyday watching our country die. We are ready. Are you? #ImpeachTrump Huge GOT fan. Mueller is my hero. Trump is just a cumstain on American soil. Absolutely abhor tribal politics and #votebluenomatterwho.
shujisato_utsu When will I die?
groundcntrl Baltimore, MD I rlly cant believe Politics is still on when is this shit going on hiatus? Why do we care? Theres too many ppl not enough money govt safety nets will end and we'll all die just as miserably as we lived. The fucking end.
Athikte1 But which sad figure am I? My light and warmth will not go on, There’ll come a time when they have gone. Won’t live forever, soon I’ll die, But which sad figure was I? Our judgments judge us, and nothing reveals us, exposes our weaknesses, more ingeniously than the attitude of pronouncing upon our fellows. Paul Valéry

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