Wat doet jeugdzorg en hoe helpt het kinderen die het moeilijk hebben

Hallo lieve studenten! Vandaag wil ik jullie wat meer vertellen over jeugdzorg en hoe deze organisatie kinderen kan helpen die het moeilijk hebben.

Wat is jeugdzorg

Jeugdzorg is een organisat...

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When Will you Die?

Al die mensjes op de wereld: demografie in het klein!

Hey daar lieve studenten! Als Tweety de vogel die les geeft in aardrijkskunde, vind ik het super leuk om jullie meer te leren over de demografie van onze wereld. Demografie is het bestuderen van...

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(chain of my thoughts) - 3 TA DAAA! the last shot in the series. I'll be back to posting archival shots. I'm still working with die and high speed but I couldn't come up with something creative (using a mirror). If it takes longer than it should be, most probably I'll move to something else completely.
(chain of my thoughts) - 2 at this level, I've lowered down the beats to 2 instead of 5, and I think I've changed the frequency to 100Hz but can't quite remember unfortunately. We are almost done with the series!
(my thought's chain) - 1 OK, at this level, I've switched to stroboscopic flash. Things are a bit fuzzy here as I don't remember the settings, but for this shot I think I've used 5 beats of flash however, not sure about the frequency. Exposure time was at 1/6 sec, at f/4 and ISO 100.
Fun fact: While in English it is common to say "chain of thoughts," in Arabic though, it is "rope of thoughts".


(levitation) - 4 OK, the last one in this mini levitation series.
After this shot, I've started experimenting with stroboscopic flash. For this shot here I just wanted to break the monotony of my usual edits and tried my hand with tone-splitting, but I'm not sure I do like this version though.

De avonturen van stoere reizigers die de wereld ontdekten!

Vandaag wil ik jullie meenemen op een reis door de geschiedenis, waar stoere avonturiers de wereld verkenden en nieuwe ontdekkingen deden!

Marco Polo: de ontdekkingsreiziger van het Oosten


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(levitation) - 3
(levitation) - 2 Still with the series. I'm hoping that I can work some more with my camera. If I can't make it, then I'm back to archival posts after this series is over.
levitation) - 1 This levitation mini-series, part of the bigger series of playing with die in high speed, consists of like 4 shots starting with this one. Bear with me, I know they're kinda boring, but all my attempts to add some action, like water splashes, failed.

Wat zijn die kleine beestjes in onze buik Een les over hele kleine diertjes!

Hebben jullie je ooit afgevraagd wat die kleine beestjes zijn in onze buik Vandaag gaan we het hebben over hele kleine diertjes die in ons lichaam leven!

Wat zijn micro-organismen


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how to on
From to

(shaky) OK, at this level here, I've turned off the background flash, and replaced the white mist filter with black mist filter (which would create halos around the object, but maybe more visible in upcoming shots). Despite being like a stable shot but this is actually a high-speed one, with 1/8000 sec of shutter speed, for a moment just before the die jump up in the air after knocking them from under the desk with a hammer. To me, I find this shot is even more interesting than those coming up, because capturing motion is easy, but capturing that moment between stillness and motion, is not that easy (and often requires an automated process with special triggers, while I'm doing the work manually here).

Praten over deeltjes die van slag zijn: geoniseerd gas uitgelegd!

Hoi allemaal! Vandaag wil ik het hebben over geoniseerd gas. Dat klinkt misschien ingewikkeld, maar ik ga het zo simpel mogelijk uitleggen, beloofd!

Als een gas geoniseerd is, betekent dit dat ...

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emergence) -2 The third shot in the series and I have to admit is even more boring than the previous two.

Doen wat nodig is, en daar dan het juiste budget bij bepalen. Maar goed, de tweede dag op rij dat hij eerst zijn constellatie ( vier) lelijk noemt en nu zijn beleid. En de rol pakt van burgemeester in oorlogstijd ipv iemand die iets beter wil maken.

(emergence) -1 the second shot in this series, and actually I find it quite boring honestly. I kept this image solely for that little drop of water hanging in midair. Just to break the monotony of the tones, I've tried to tone-splitting here, beside other editing techniques. This shot (also the one before and the one after) were taken using a polarizer and a white mist filter. Later on, I've exchanged the white mist with black mist filter.
Five-Quake OK, I'm cutting my archival posts a bit to post what I've shot in the past few weeks (with whatever available time I have). I'm still processing this series actually. As selinde suggested, I'm still thinking of shooting some of these with a mirror (maybe placed under the dice not sure). My mind though is somewhat fuzzy at the moment as the house is in chaos since Mom is being hospitalized after complications with the heart related to her dialysis routine or something.
Anyway, in the first few shots in this series, I've used the "white mist" filter but then I've changed that to the "black mist" filter, coupled with turning off the background light (I don't know why I didn't think of that in the first place!) - all that coupled with a polarizer as well to enhance the reflections off the desk. After making this picture, I've decided to name the rest in Arabic (not sure why but it just made sense to me) I wanted to change the title of this one too but I guess no need for it at the moment.
All shots in this series (except maybe the last 2 or 3 in this series) were shot using HSS, at 1/8000 sec (fastest for Canon 7D), and using one 580EX II speedlite with a mini-softbox, at 1/128 power (lowest), while using a mirror on the other side to reflect some light on the other side of the die tower. I've used f/1.4 initially, but had to change to f/2, and many good motion shots had to be discarded, unfortunately, because they were out of focus.
To make a twist in the plain white background, I've use tone-splitting while processing the RAW file, in addition to extra work in PS of course.

Perfekt zusammengefasst
grsste Profiteurin ist aber jemand ganz anders: Die Finanzindustrie wird nun noch mehr Geld verwalten knnen. Das BSV rechnet mit einem zustzlichen jhrlichen Volumen von 1,4 Milliarden Franken"

Hoe de sterkste beestjes overleven: over dieren die handig zijn of niet

Hey daar, lieve studentjes! Vandaag gaan we het hebben over hoe verschillende dieren zich hebben aangepast om te overleven in de jungle van het dierenrijk. Sommige beestjes zijn super handig en sl...

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Eine schwere , ausgelst durch , bedroht in die und damit die . , von der 70 % der Bevlkerung abhngen, ist stark betroffen. Maisproduktion ist um 72 % eingebrochen, und sind auf historische Tiefstnde gesunken. verdeutlichen das Ausma der .

Super zielig: over mensen die geen geld hebben

Super zielig: over mensen die geen geld hebben

Yo lieve studenten, Waffel hier! Vandaag wil ik het met jullie hebben over een super zielig onderwerp: mensen die geen geld hebben. Het is echt hart...

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Wow, wat zijn die gekke kwantumgetallen

Hallo allemaal, ik ben Pieper de muis en vandaag gaan we het hebben over kwantumgetallen. Deze getallen zijn super interessant en belangrijk in de wereld van de natuurkunde.

Hoofdkwantumgetal (...

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De rare krachten die op spul werken: Lorentzkracht uitgelegd

Hallo allemaal,

Vandaag gaan we het hebben over een heel interessant concept in de natuurkunde: de Lorentzkracht. Deze kracht is verantwoordelijk voor de interactie tussen geladen deeltjes en magn...

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Almost forgot to post today. This is the 7th one in the series and the last. I'm already working on another series but still having problems finding the time and achieving the effect I have in mind. For me, I think this last one is the best. For this one and the two before it, I've started to lower down the camera level gradually and this one here is the lowest point (without lowering the legs of the tripod of course) I think the camera was something between 5 to 10cms above the desk surface and pointing downward.
Anyway, till I finish that other project, I will keep posting from the archive again!
The 6th in the series, and before the last. Here, the movement is subtle (probably just that dice on the right side) but anyway I thought it would be such a waste to discard the shot - so I processed it anyway.

cant wait to !!

Waar ga je heen en waar kom je vandaan Een verhaal over mensen die verhuizen

Hallo lieve studenten! Vandaag gaan we het hebben over een onderwerp dat voor veel mensen heel spannend is: verhuizen.

Waar ga je heen

Stel je voor, je ouders vertellen je dat jullie gaan ver...

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The 5th shot in the series (2 more left), and here I've added a central element just to fill in the gap. The movement is subtle, and at this point I thought I might wanna change the level of the camera to have a better view for the jumps.

Landjes die met elkaar spelen: wat betekenen internationale betrekkingen precies

Ohayo jonge vriendjes! Vandaag gaan we praten over een super belangrijk onderwerp: internationale betrekkingen. Wat betekent dat eigenlijk Nou, stel je voor dat de landjes van de wereld allemaal ...

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Day 25 - Desirable Dice

I dont really care that much about dice but I still regret not splashing out on the gorgeous obsidian and glass dice set for RPG.

Still, I *did* splash out on these lovely, chonky d20s for 's and am delighted with them.

The 4th in the series, and here some jumps are clear (specially from the shadows) but apparently I didn't rack the die correctly to show a clear heart. It's more of a triangle right now or could it be a visual thing because of the jumps I'm not quite sure really.

Alle Dieren en Planten die samen Spelen en Eten: Het Voedselweb

Hoi allemaal! Vandaag ga ik het hebben over iets heel interessants, namelijk het voedselweb.

Het voedselweb is als een grote kringloop waarin alle dieren en planten met elkaar verbonden zijn d...

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So, after many failures using the trigger, and using it with sound and motion sensors to trigger the flash, I've decided to go back to my old methods of eye-hand coordination and shoot with HSS mode in the speedlites, with 1/8000 seconds for the shutter (highest for Canon 7D). The results were satisfying for sure more than using complicated methods like the sound or motion triggers!
The second shot in the series. Typically I keep it as a single shot per day instead of putting it all together in a single post. So far, we have 7 shots in total, and this is the 2nd. The die look wobbly again because of the multiple flash strokes.
(heart betting 1) Cutting out my archival posts, with this "somewhat" new shot. Had gone lot of troubles to shoot it and in the end, I had to go back to my old methods of shooting high speed photos eye-hand coordination instead of using flash duration. This shot here wasn't what I had in mind but nevertheless, I think it looks good. The shaky or wobbly appearance for the die here is caused by multiple flashes (which I couldn't control to make it just one).

2024 China Adhesive & Sealant Expo , Shanghai presents quality such as , , , and products, , , , , , , , and . 16.-21. September 2024. SNIEC (Shanghai New ), , .

Ab morgen isses so weit: endlich knnen Autofahrer auch kiffen

Schimmels: wat zijn die rare pluizige dingetjes eigenlijk

Hey jij daar! Het is Mauw de poes en vandaag ga ik het hebben over schimmels. Misschien heb je wel eens van die rare pluizige dingetjes gezien op oud brood of in de badkamer. Maar wat zijn schimme...

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